
Technological Developments

Naturally, users of the separate networks knew that it would be beneficial if the networks could "talk" to one another. In 1974 the idea for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was outlined in a paper by two gentlemen named Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn. The protocol was used 1977 to connect ARPAnet, ALOHAnet, TELEnet, and networks in Europe over ground cables, packet radio, and satellite transmissions. <T> Some say that this interconnection of networks was the true birth of the Internet.

After developing the UNIX operating system (OS), AT&Tıs Bell Labs saw the need to create a networking protocol to connect any of the computers that used their OS. Unix to Unix Copy Protocol (UUCP), as it was called after its creation in 1976, was used in 1979 to create yet another network­Usenet. Graduate computer science students from Duke University and the University of North Carolina connected their departmentsı computers via existing telephone lines by using AT&Tıs UUCP. Their network consisted of separate discussion groups on various topics. Soon other institutions were invited to join in the conversations. The desire of college students to enter the world of computer networking was driven by their desire to communicate with each other, however this communication was most often not for research purposes. (Moschovitis)

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