Abbate, Janet. Inventing the
Internet. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1999.
Abbate focuses mainly on the growth of the ARPAnet. She traces its
origins and eventually addresses how the ARPAnet hooked up with other
networks to create the Internet. She gives lip service to the arrival
of the NSFnet and states how it led to the demise of the ARPAnet.
Cybergeography.com. "An Atlas of Cyberspace
- Historical Maps." http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/historical.html.
Accessed Dec 2000.
This site claims to work to "map" cyberspace. The above link
contains useful network maps from various points in Internet history.
Drake, William J., ed. The New Information Infrastructure. New
York: The Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1995.
While I did not cite this book in my text, it contains a great deal
of information about networks, commercialization, and public policy.
Contents are papers given by scholars with recommendations for national
policy directions.
Fisher, Sharon. "Access
Providers: ANS Has Unfair Edge." Internet Week, Dec 23 1991.
This article reports the criticism by network service providers of
NSF and ANS' decision to allow commerical traffic on the NSFnet backbone.
Fisher, Sharon. "Whither
NREN?" Byte, July 1991.
This article examines the history of the NREN and commercial use of
the then current Internet. It covers the different arguments for who
should hold control over the networks.
Greenstein, Shane. "Invisible
Hand versus Invisible Advisors." from Private Networks, Public Objectives,
ed. Noam, Eli; Nishuilleabhain, Aine. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1996.
Greenstein examines the various costs and benefits of privatization
of communication networks. He does so both in a short and long term
analysis. The paper has an emphasis on the effects of diffuse market
interests on the technological standards of the networks.
Gromov, Gregory R. "The Roads
and Crossroads of Internet History." http://www.internetvalley.com/intvalold.html
Accessed Dec 2000.
This nine part site offers a great deal of insight into the philosophy
of both how and why the Internet was developed. One of the most
interesting informational site layouts I've seen.
Halabi, Bassam. Internet Routing
Architectures. Indianapolis: Cisco Press/New Riders Publishing, 1997.
This book is a general guide to internet routing for technology professionals.
It contains a very useful introduction to the history of the Internet
and Internet routing. It also explains routing in fairly basic terms,
and later more technically.
Hardy, Henry Edward. "History
of the Net." http://www.ocean.ic.net/ftp/doc/nethist.html
Accessed Dec 2000.
This is a student's masters thesis on the development of the Internet.
Includes a great depth of information on the side networks that came
together to form the Internet.
Hauben, Michael. "History of
ARPANET." http://www.dei.isep.ipp.pt/docs/arpa.html
Accessed Dec 2000.
This paper not only traces the development of the ARPAnet, it also
emphasises the effectiveness of the Request For Comments (RFC) in developing
the networking technology of the Internet.
H'obbes' Zakon, Robert. "Hobbes'
Internet Timeline v5.2." http://info.isoc.org/guest/zakon/Internet/History/HIT.html
Accessed Dec 2000. Alternate link, visitor suggestion.
This is one of the most complete timelines of the development of the
Internet--from ARPAnet to today.
Ilacqua, Spike. "The First
ISP." http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/1999-2/isp.html
Accessed Dec 2000.
This is a short article on how the author helped to create the first
commercial Internet Service Provider.
Killette, Kathleen. "Lawmakers
Examine NSFnet, NREN." Internet Week, March 23 1992.
This short article reports the meeting of the House Science-Subcommittee
to discuss the commercial fate of the NSFnet and the NREN.
Kroll, Ed. The Whole Internet.
Sebastopol CA: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc, 1994.
This book is an excelent introduction to the Internet in general and
how to use the technology. Its most useful aspect is an explanation
of how the Internet works--in layman's terms.
Leiner; et.al. "A Brief History
of the Internet." http://www.isoc.org/internet-history/brief.html
Accessed Dec 2000.
This history of the Internet is more of a written oral history than
a timeline. It is important because many of its contributors were important
in the development of the Internet.
Messmer, Ellen. "NSF, ANS
charged with Internet Abuse." Network World, Dec 23 1991.
This short article highlights the criticism that Performance Systems
International (PSI) made of the NSF and ANS. The criticism stemmed from
the ANS' use of the NSFnet backbone for commercial purposes.
Messmer, Ellen. "Users
questuion new NSFnet usage policy." Network World, March 30 1992.
This article examines the debate of the NSF's redefining of the acceptable
use policy and the criticism that was given from outside agencies.
Moschovitis, Christos J.P.,
et al. History of the Internet. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, Inc.,
This book is simply a timeline (quite literally) of the major events
in the Internet's history.
NLANR, Measurement and Operations
Analysis Team. "NSFNET." http://moat.nlanr.net/INFRA/NSFNET.html
Accessed Dec 2000.
This site focuses on the development of the physical network of the
NSFnet and of the technologies that made it possible.
Techweb.com. "TechEncyclopedia."
Accessed Dec 2000.
This is simply a searchable encyclopedia/dictionary of computer terms.
Till Johnson, Johna. "Network
Analysis; the Internet Opens Up to Commercial Use." Data Communications,
March 1993.
This article reports the reinterpretation of the NSF's acceptable use
policy and examines how commercialism might change the Internet.
United States. Office of
Technology Assessment. Critical Connections. Washington: US GPO,
This report by the OTA examines the effects of communication networks
on society. It examines the effect that the technology might have on
democracy, culture, and individuals and eventually makes policy reccomendations
to congress.
United States. Office of
Technology Assessment. Advanced Network Technology. Washington:
US GPO, 1993.
This document examines the effect of the advancing technology of computer
networks on society. Specificaly, it looks at how "advanced"
networks might benefit both research and business.
United States. Cong. House of Representatives.
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. National Information Infrastructure
Act of 1993. 103d Cong., 1st sess. Washington: GPO, 1993.
This was the bill that created the NREN and ensured that the Internet
would exist under some commercial influence.
United States. National Research
Council. NRENAISSANCE Committee. Realizing the Information Future:
The Internet and Beyond. Washington: National Academy Press, 1994.
The nap.edu website was not working when I attempted to access this
book--I will annotate this next week.
Wilensky, Alan. "The First
ISP." http://www.telekomnet.com/community_isp/first_isp.asp
Accessed Dec 2000.
This article is an interview with the creator of the first Internet
Service Provider, Barry Shein. It focuses on how he developed the service
from a public desire that many did not realize existed.