A Turn-it-in Story

Patry shares a good story about a high school student who risked a failing grade by not “turning it [her paper] in” to the plagiarism checking service.  He closes with an analysis I completely agree with (and even uses the correct pluralization of “bravo”):

Brava to the student, her teacher, and her supportive father. I have complained numerous times about efforts to “educate” students about copyright. Teaching students that they have to agree to whatever terms a private company imposes on them because their own school district will refuse to award a grade unless they do, teaches, in my opinion, the wrong message: first, it assumes all students are cheats; second, it teaches them that their own teachers are willing to abdicate their responsibility to private companies; and third, it teaches them their own teachers do not care what the terms imposed by those private companies are. I don’t think those are the value we want our students to learn.