I took a great suggestion this morning and did my dishes while watching Yochai Benkler’s TED talk on Open-source economics. He finished his talk with a point that I’ve brought up before–the new importance of communication law to everyone on the Internet. He says (around the 17 min mark):
So, next time you open the paper and you see an intellectual property decision, a telecoms decison, it’s not about something small and technical. It is about the future of the freedom to be as social beings with each other and the way information, knowledge, and culture will be produced. Because, it is in this context that we see a battle over how easy or hard it will be for the industrial information economy to simply go on as it goes, or for the new model of production to begin to develop along side that industrial model — [to] change the way that we begin to see the world, and report what it is that we see.
Guess it’s time to take another look at the Wealth of Networks (or, if you prefer, a free copy).