Can you own a copyrighted work?

AutoCAD resale ruling a messy win for first-sale doctrine – Ars Technica

An interesting decision in the 9th Circuit cuts right to the heart of a crucial IP issue–whether software can be owned (under a transfer of ownership), or just (merely) licensed.

The outcome of this ruling, I think, makes common sense. I would argue that people typically think, when they buy something from a company, they own that thing they bought. This line of thought would explain the outrage over Amazon’s 1984 shenanigans. The “secondary market” issue is significant, but I think winning consumers the freedom to do whatever they see fit with purchased digital goods is more important–and that requires a transfer of ownership.

Open sourcing homework

Academic source code dust-up symptom of CS education ills – Ars Technica

Short story–student puts Comp Sci class homework online under an open source license after the class is over; instructor is annoyed.

My quick take on this is that it sounds much like paranoia over sharing of test questions. I think, as academics, we should approach teaching just like research. The way that we teach should evolve over time to be constantly improving. This includes revising test questions and assignments every time a subject is taught. It’s more work, but it has the added benefit of eliminating the exact problem that this professor thought he saw.