Everyones a celebrity in this post-privacy age

Everyones a celebrity in this post-privacy age | CNET News.com

Mena Trott, who, with her husband, Ben, developed Movable Type, a software system for publishing blogs, says “control” is a better word than “privacy” for defining oneself in different situations on the Web.

“We think blogging is sharing the stuff you care about with the people you care about,” Trott says. “It comes down to control. They may or may not use it. But people want control.”

Exactly right. While many, myself included, don’t have a problem with posting personal information on a social networking site or blog, it is quite a different thing to have information automatically gathered.

I think people intuitively realize this privacy difference between crafting an online identity and the saving of one’s Internet history or searches. Another way to express this difference might be between the choice to posting information, where there can’t be much expectation of privacy, and the passive gathering and saving of information through an unspecified service use agreement–this is where many are demanding increased protection.