A favorite (favourite?) thing to do

Try this out: start iTunes and go to the music store… scroll to the bottom and select another country. Take a look at the top 10 (or 100) from other lands. For the most part, the songs are popular for a reason.
This truly is globalization in a good way…

…well, there is the whole Apple and record labels thing.

Stand against popups


People are throwing away their computers, rather than spend the time to disinfect them (a chore I’m all too familiar with). One person remarked that “she no longer clicks on pop-ups.” What?!? I didn’t know that anyone was still clicking on popups!

The time has come for browsers to eliminate the pop up as a browsing option; kill spyware through the technology which enables it. Web applications which rely on this “feature” should all be reprogrammed.

Popups are costing the world too much money and time–we sunk a bunch of cash into the Y2K change, this one should be easy.

No Internet?!?

Charter broadband is down right now, so I’m dialed in to the campus network. I never thought I’d be going back down to dial-up. I’ll bet there are a lot of angry students tonight!!